McCubbins Documents
This page last updated: 27 Jun 2015 (corrected typos)
Scans from the McCubbins Collection:
1. 15 May 1818 - A Letter sent from White Co., IL to Francis & Sarah Ellis
estate executor, Anderson Ellis.
2. 15 Feb 1791 - The reference to the William Wheeler to Lucy Ellis marriage
3. 11 May 1793 - William Wheeler is appointed overseer of road.
4. 7 Jul 1784 - A mention in a Will about the "land next to William Wheeler".
5. 1 May 1801 - The land sale of 291.5 acres on Potts creek from David Miller
to William Wheeler for 577 pounds.
6. 3 Nov 1804 - The land sale of 291.5 acres on Potts creek from William Wheeler
- no wife signs - to Jesse Haden for 600 pounds.