Wheeler (and related) Obituaries / Deaths |
This page last updated: 30 Mar 2014 - Split from Probates / Wills.
All Obituaries / Deaths here will be arranged by the date of publication / filing. To find specific ones, use the search function (CTRL F) on your browse or find the name in the hyperlinked names (alphabetized by first name) below. The left side of the page will contain the actual obituary or the abstract from a printed book. The right side will contain notes and opinions (mine and others) concerning the facts presented in the obit. Links to images will be in the right column. |
Artimissia (Wheeler) Stafford
- 1895 |
Ora Wheeler The Illinois Gazette, Shawneetown, Gallatin Co., IL - 13 Mar 1830. |
Extract from Illinois Gazette |
Page 148: DIED, in Westmoreland, N. H. on the 4th January, Mr. Ora Wheeler, aged 24 | This is of interest as it implies that some of the Wheelers in Gallatin County were from NH. |
Mrs. Nettie Wheeler
Carmi Dollar Courier, Carmi, IL- 22 Dec 1881. |
Extract from Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. 1 |
Published notice of death. There is nothing else shown in the extract. If you have access to the paper, please send a copy/image to me. | A search of the White Co., IL 1880 census turns up numerous Wheelers, but no Nettie. A check of the White County, IL marriages up to 1882 does not show any Nettie marrying a Wheeler. A check of the Wheeler marriage in Hamilton County, IL also comes up empty. Who is this? |
Chas. Wheeler Carmi Dollar Courier, Carmi, IL - 29 Jun 1882. |
Extract from Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. 1 |
Published notice of death. States he was killed by a tornado at Malcolm, IA. If you have access to the paper, please send a copy/image to me. | No clue who this could be. Why would a death in Malcolm, IA be listed in the Carmi paper? |
James Wheeler
The Times, McLeansboro, IL - 28 Mar 1890. |
Extract from Legacy of Kin |
Aged 69; d. 21 Mar 1890, home in Crook Township. | At 69 this would have put him born in 1821. This is most likely the eldest son of Henry & Priscilla (Mayberry) Wheeler. A check of the Probate records in HCI is needed. |
Mariah Campbell Wheeler The McLeansboro Times, McLeansboro, IL - 7 Mar 1890 |
Actual copy on file but I could use a better copy! |
Sister Mariah Wheeler, nee Campbell, was born in Williamson county, Tenn., on Aug 10th 1800, and died Feb. 27th, 1890, age 89 years, 6 months and 17 days. Her life covered a great deal of the nations history and her recollection of incidents was wonderfully acute and acurate to the last. Among the first was the great earthquake which occurred before the War of 1812, and which like so many omen's did not fail to result in religious awakenings where both saint and sinner rushed to the church to make a preparation for the final wind-up which they deemed the inevitable. After the battle of New Orleans, sister Wheeler saw Gen. Jackson's returning army (see Note 1) with that noted personage at the head of the columns. When Jackson became president and the Indian troubles came up, she had one son to offer his services and risk his life in the Black Hawk War (see Note 2). James K. Polk was one of her neighbors and after his election to the presidency of the United States, her father-in-law was honored by a visit from the President and his wife (see Note 3). Aunt Mariah was a christian. She professed saving faith in god and joined the Methodist church in 1819 or 35 years after its first annual conference in the United States. On her removal from Tennessee to Illinois she brought her church letter and soon afterward joined the Concord class in which she has been a consistent member for over a half a century. Her last illness was brief, yet she expressed her willingness to die in saying she was only waiting for the Lord to come and take her to rest. Aunt Mariah leaves a host of relatives and friends to mourn her loss, but their loss is heavens gain. May we all live so as to meet the redeemed in heaven, where parting is not known and pains are a stranger. |
Mariah is the daughter of John & Eleanor Campbell from Maury Co., TN. She married Robert Lewis Wheeler in 1834. In regards to the events noted in the obit: NOTE 1: It is possible that she saw Andrew Jackson returning from New Orleans as he was from TN and she would have been about 15 at the time. NOTE 2: The Black Hawk war was from Apr 1832 to Aug 1832. Having been married in 1819 at the age of 19, her oldest child would have been about 13 years old in 1832. According to what I have found so far, she had 2 sons by Joseph Gill - John & William both born between 1825 & 1830. They were old enough to have fought in the Mexican War during Polk's presidency (1846-1848) but not the Black Hawk War. When William Gill died in 1849, his probate mentions a "Military Land Warrant No. 53814" so I assume his service was in the Mexican War - 25 Apr 1846 to 2 Feb 1848 during the presidency of James K. Polk (still under investigation 2012). She had no sons from her second marriage to Robert L. Wheeler (whom she divorced 10 Oct 1856). She did, however, have a brother, William who is said to have served in the Black Hawk War. NOTE 3: As for President Polk visiting her father-in-law during his presidency - he was president from 1845-1849. She had two father-in-laws. Thomas Gill, father of Joseph, died in 1839. William Wheeler, father of Robert, died in 1830. Perhaps when Polk served as Governor of TN, this event took place. |
Col. Jacob Wheeler
Carmi Courier, Carmi, IL - 7 Jan 1892. |
Extract from Gone But Not Forgotten, Vol. 1 |
"Col. JACOB WHEELER died at Springfield IL from heart disease Christmas night." | I have no clue who this is. |
Benson Wheeler
The Leader, McLeansboro, IL - 09 Dec 1897. |
Extract from Legacy of Kin |
d. 5 Dec 1897 in Ark. Son of John Wheeler, Sr., of Crook Twp. Leaves wife, 2 children. Interred in Hopewell. | Benson is the 3rd child of John & Lucretia (McMahon) Wheeler. He is listed in census records as William. There is no marriage record for Benson Wheeler in Hamilton Co., IL. |
Artimissa Wheeler
Stephens (daughter of Wm Wheeler). The McLeansboro Times, McLeansboro, IL - 23 Apr 1903; Page 4 Col. 2 |
Actual copy on file. |
Mrs. Artimissa Stephens, widow of Wm. L. Stephens, and who formerly resided in this county, died at her home in Green Ridge, Mo., March 19. Mr. and Mrs. Stephens were among the early settlers of this county and resided on a farm southwest of this city for many years. Mrs. Stephens' maiden name was Wheeler and her father, William Wheeler, was one of the first county commissioners of this county having been elected when the county was organized in 1821. She was united in marriage to Wm. L. Stephens, Oct 16, 1837. | Artimissa is the daughter of William Wheeler Sr. from his second marriage. Her brother is Robert Lewis Wheeler. |
Artimissa Wheeler Stafford
The Times and Leader, McLeansboro, IL - 13 Jul 1905 |
Extract from Legacy of Kin |
b. 30 Apr 1839; d. 6 Jul 1905, home 3.5 miles SW of McLeansboro. Wife of A. M. Stafford. 9 Children, 6 survive. Interred in Concord Cemetery. (Mrs. Abbie Carey, Nortonville, KY, identified as a daughter. Her niece, Miss Katie Stafford accompanied her home). | Artimissa was the daughter of Robert L. & Mariah (Campbell) Wheeler and the sister of Pernecy (Wheeler) Hill. |
John Wheeler The McLeansboro Times, McLeansboro, IL - 16 Feb 1905; Page 8 Col. 3 |
Actual copy on file. |
After a short illness of lagrippe uncle John Wheeler departed this life at the family residence, in Crook township, Monday morning at 2:30 o'clock, aged 73 years, 2 months, and 22 days. Uncle John, as he was familiarly known, spent his entire life in Crook township. His father, Henry Wheeler, was one of the pioneer settlers of Hamilton county, coming here from North Carolina, in the early days, settling on the farm where Jake Allen now resides, where he raised a family of 13 children of whom four are still living (see NOTE to the right) - Henry, of Barton, Missouri; Solomon, of Norris City; Mrs. Robt. Hill, of Eldorado; and Mrs. Jacob Allen, who resides on the old homestead. He was converted at the age of 33 years and joined the M. E. church at Bethel, which church he helped to found, holding his membership there the balance of his life. His remains were laid to rest at Hopewell cemetery. Funeral services conducted by Rev. J. E. Brown. He leaves a sorrowing companion, four children, several grand children and a host of friends to mourn his demise. He was a veteran of the civil war being a member of troop 11, 6th Ill. cavalry. |
This is the son of Henry & Priscilla (Mayberry) Wheeler. NOTE: The four "children" listed in this obituary (Henry, Solomon, Mrs. Robt. Hill, and Mrs. Jacob Allen are actually John Wheeler's surviving brothers and sisters. Thanks to Darlene Farris Sewell for pointing that out. Proof of this can be seen in the fact that Mrs. Robt. Hill was married in 1861, and Mrs. Jacob Allen was married in 1862. This was only 1 & 2 years after John was married in 1860!
Pernecy Wheeler Hill
The McLeansboro Times, McLeansboro, IL - 30 Dec 1909 |
Actual copy is on file. It is hard to read in spots. |
Pernecy Hill, daughter of Robert and Mirah Wheeler, was
born in Crook township, Hamilton county, Illinois, December 7, 1837, and
died at her home at the same place Dec. 21, 1909, at 1:30 o'clock p. m.,
age 72 years and 14 days. She professed faith in Christ in 185? and united
with the M. E. church at Concord, with which church she remained a faithful
member until her death angel called her away.
Mrs. Hill was united with Jesse Mann in marriage in 1850 (see Note 1), who died in 1858, then she was married to S. P. Hill, who died in 1902. She leaves six children to mourn their loss and seven have passed away (see Note 2). On Friday, Dec. 17 she took the pneumonia and from the first it was plain to see seen that she could not survive very long. She bore her suffering patiently and when her departure was nearing, her last words were "going home". |
This is the daughter of Robert & Mariah (Campbell) Wheeler. NOTE 1: Her marriage to Jesse Mann took place in 1853. NOTE 2: The obit lists a total of 13 children, I have only found the names of 12 of them - 2 from the marriage to Jesse Mann and 10 with Samuel Porter Hill.
William Thomas Wheeler The McLeansboro Times, McLeansboro, IL - 2 Sep 1915 |
Actual copy is on file. |
Again the grim reaper Death has waved his pinions over the village of Dale and carried away from our midst the beloved form of William Thomas Wheeler, who was born March 2, 1838; departed this life August 29, 1915; aged 77 years, 5 months and 26 days. He was united in marriage to Sarah Ellen Hardesty December 15, 1859, to which union were born fifteen children, seven of whom preceded him to the great beyond. Eight are yet living, namely, Elizabeth Roark and Rosa Mayberry, both of Missouri, Jessie, Hiram, Christopher, and Arthur Wheeler, Augusta Clark and Julia Mayberry. Besides his own children he raised one orphan grand-daughter, Mrs. Doll Johnson, from infancy. He was grand father to 23 children. When 23 years of age he heeded his country's call and enlisted on the 8th day of October, 1861, as a private in Co. K, 6th Ill. Cav. He was honorably discharged on the 17th day of March, 1864, at Germantown, Tenn. Uncle Tom was a good citizen, an energetic farmer, and a kind father and loving husband. He professed faith in Christ in November, 1913, and united with the Methodist church at Dale, in which he lived a faithful member until his death. It can be truly said of Uncle Tom "His last days were his brightest." Not only will he be missed at home but he will be missed from his place in the church. His sudden death came as a thief in the night and to his aged companion and relatives it was a great shock. But we shall shortly know that lengthened breath is not the sweetest gift God sends his friends, but that sometimes the sable pall of death conceals the fairest boon His love can send. If we could push ajar the gates of heaven and stand within and all his splendor see, we could interpret all our doubts and for each mystery find a key. Then be content, poor hearts, and if through patient toil we reach the land where tired feet with sandals loose may rest, then we shall clearly know and under stand "God knew the best." Funeral services were conducted at the M. E. church at Dale by his pastor, Rev. C. M. Prince, and the body was laid to rest in the Prospect cemetery to await the resurrection morn. |
This is the son of James & Elizabeth (Hampton) Wheeler). |
Lucinda A (Wheeler) Allen Obituaries of Hamilton Co., IL 1926-1931 |
Lucinda Wheeler Allen, daughter of Henry Wheeler, was born Aug. 15th, 1844, departed this life, April 2, 1926, age 81 years, 8 months and 17 days. She was united in marriage to Jacob Allen in the year 1862. To this union was born 6 children, 5 girls and one boy, namely, Alice Stevens, Mary Allen, who preceded her in death at the age of 5 years, Ida Millspaugh, Julia Oldham, Lora Irvin, and John Allen, all of Hamilton County. She professed faith in Christ at an early age and joined the Methodist Church at Concord and remained a faithful member until death. She leaves to mourn her departure 5 children, 11 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren and a host of relatives and friends, her husband having preceded her in death 5 years ago. The funeral was conducted at Concord, April 4th, by Rev. W. W. Bratton. |
She is the daughter of Henry Wheeler & Priscilla Mayberry |
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